By Angela Uno
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Angela has been an active member of our community for some time now. On Easter, she took a huge step her faith and was baptized. This is her story.
As I stood there wondering whether or not the water would ever stop pouring over my face, I couldn’t help but feel extreme joy and love. The day I was baptized I could say that my family was there even though my biological family sat hundreds of miles away in California. A couple of months before that moment if you had asked me whether or not I would get baptized, I would have laughed. In fact, I would have thought that I was not worthy to be baptized. I did not believe a young millennial who cusses often, who says “God” a lot (not in a good way), and who does not know how to pray was a prime candidate for being baptized. Studio, a Sunday night worship service, transformed my perspective on what it means to be Christian. I have been going to Studio steadily for about a year now, and I have done things in a church that I never thought was allowed to be in church. I have been on a panel called “I’m into_______sex”, sang a song called “bastards”, and drank with pretty much everyone there.
Union is more than the three shots of espresso in my “Dub-ya”. Union to me represents trust, vulnerability, and love. I continue to learn and to challenge my beliefs about Christianity. From the moment the water poured over my head, the floodgates opened.